Boomerang 2010

The plan for 2010 is to start in Eindhoven, Holland on Friday August 27th 2010 (Thursday night in Endhoven highly recommended!).

Day 1 - Starting with a short day in terms of miles and heading to Frankfurt, Germany to experience the awesome riverside festival we stumbled across during the first ever Boomerang last year.Update: Now we've added a lunch time de-tour to have a go on the world famous Nürburgring race track!

Day 2 and we're gonna head east through Germany, and into the Czech Republic, our destination for the day being Prague!

Day 3 we're back across Germany, heading south west and ending up in Strasbourg, France (fingers crossed!).

Day 4 and we're homeward bound. Diagonally through France up to Calais.

A total of 1,262 miles, not including getting to Eindhoven and home from Calais.

Full details and how to take part in the rally yourself can be found here: