Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Batteries Included...

So, it appeared the old battery was not only u/s, one of the terminals broke off during preliminary tests (the fecking car wouldn't start). So Brad swiftly claimed some major pwnage over a scrap yard dealer type bloke and managed to get one from an Espace sitting lonely and dented in his yard...

However, this very afternoon, the old battery was diagnosed as simply not having enough of the old electrical juice in it (despite outputting 12voltsish) - the level of deionised [?] water in it was rather a little... negligible is the right word i think. So, i set about trying to devise a way of using the old battery as a spare, for those just-in-case moments which i expect will happen. It'll be dead easy to fill up - got some deionised water knocking about somewhere... ;)
Also, I managed to hacksaw under the broken terminal and created a sort of recess that we can either push the neg cable under and clamp down or drill into and pop a bolt through to enable proper usage.
Wire brushed the hell out of the little sod as well, so it's shiny now...

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