Does anyone know the deal with Tyre specifications and MOT tests? I'm not talking about the tread and ware etc, I'm more concerned with the type of tyres on a vehicle.
According to the manual (and various tyre web sites) our eSpace should have '195/65 R14' tyres. Note the 195 bit... However these RRP at £70ish EACH!
As I've mentioned in previous posts I've managed to source 4x '185/65 R14's for £60 all in. Note the 185 bit.
Here's the question...
Does an MOT test check that the tyres match the vehicle or just that they're safe/legal etc?
I've phoned two MOT test centres (one in Reading who do MOT's for £32, one in Carterton who do them for the standard £53) and they've both told me that they must all be the SAME and legal, but it doesn't matter what spec they are.
Now having bought a battery from a scrappy that turned out to be duff, I don't want to have my fingers burnt again by buying four tyres that then cause the MOT to fail, to then have to find four more expensive replacements! Call me skeptical, but rightly or wrongly i have a tendency to take what a garage tells me with a pinch of salt...
However KwikFit contradicts this:
"The nominated MOT tester will check the vehicle's wheels and tyres for a number of key points: the condition, security, tyre size and type and tread depth."
So answers on a postcard please... if any of you know a mechanic please ask and help us out!
Here's the MOT Testers manual which doesn't seem to state that the tyre's size is an issue - providing they're the same on each axle. There is no 'reason for rejection' for having tyre size that doesn't match the recommendation:
So does this mean we're ok to get the 185's?