Apparently, applying loads of grease spray and simply battering it with a hammer for 5 minutes appears to have done the trick. We (I) digress, and will now show you what we (I) first saw upon entry into the (new) world of rear brake drums...

Apart from the obvious amount of rust and carbon (we (I) hope it's carbon - there's a slim possibility those mental French used asbestos in the brake shoes), they appeared to be OK. However, the bible gives indications of minimum thicknesses of brake shoes of 6mm. Shall we (I) show you what it actually is?

Yes, i hear you say, "bloody hell" - it appears they are 1mm on one side and about 1/2mm on the other - that would explain the slight grinding noise we were hearing then! They'll need to be changed then...
OMG, somewhat under braked then ! is it like all the way round ?
Um, i'd love to be able to tell you mate, but we still haven't got the other bloody rear wheel off! Hoping to go back to the garage near us at the weekend to get them to use their socket gun to take it off. This is the same garage that told us the battery we had was u/s and tried to sell us a new one at £95! So, if, when we ask them to remove the sticky nuts (fnar, fnar) they claim 'it's not company policy', i shall ask them if it's company policy to mis-sell car components... robbin' bastards.
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