Sunday 16 August 2009

Balance in The Force

Having been a little concerned by the significant uneven tyre wear after 1000 miles or so we decided that professional wheel alignment was required if we wanted our front tyres to make the trip. We have a fair few gadgets between us, but not laser wheel alignment sensors and a hydraulic ramp!

We took her in on Saturday morning and things started off very well. The first guy we saw turned out to be one of Tim's neighbours and he and his colleague were both really interested in Boomerang so we told them all about it while they sorted the wheels out.

When it was all done I was asked how I was paying, of course I said the magic word cash! I was told the job usually costs £35, but he would do it for £20. When I discovered I only had £15 on me our discount increased even further! So front wheels professionally aligned for less than half price, woohoo!

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