Monday 10 August 2009

Overdue update

After looking round for European breakdown cover on the 1st of August we found that most places cover cars up to 15 years old. Brad said that was us screwed 'cos the Espace is 18. "No it isn't" I said, "my Golf is 18 and is J reg. She must be about 14". So I went to get the V5 and discovered I had lost it. Half an hour of frantic searching later I found it again. So then we were both proven wrong. The Espace was first registered on the 2nd of August 1994 making her 14 years and 364 days at the time of looking. Doh!!

I decided to have another look online just in case and managed to find cover for £21.50 for vehicles up to and including 15 years old. Result!

We were then able to turn our attention to getting up at 3.30am the following morning to deliver my family to Gatwick in the Espace then carry on to give her a proper endurance test run. As it had also turned out to be her birthday as the day progressed we decided to celebrate it in style.

We got to Gatwick no problem at all. Katy was entrusted with taking the helm for the first leg of our maiden long voyage. We actually thought that the interior heating system was broken as we got no warm air at all.... until we'd driven about 30 miles! Then she started to warm up. The radio reported that the M25 was a mess so we abandoned the earlier plan of circumnavigating it. Instead we decided to drop in on my mum just outside Folkestone for breakfast. We arrived there at 7am with croissants, bread, jam, juice and a Sunday Times to a very warm reception.

Brad then had the idea of driving into central London and seeing some sights. Mum quickly made a birthday cake and gave us a card and off we went.

All was going well until we discovered there was a triathalon going on and half of the roads in east London were closed. That was hardly going to stop us now was it: -

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