Saturday 28 August 2010


Just arrived in prague, well we arrived about 90mins ago but an accident made the last 1mile a complete nightmare! Definitely brimming the petrol tank on the way out, works out at under £1 a litre in Czech republic :)

While stopping for petrol at the first services after the border crossing we stumbled on a Market and thought we'd have a look around... The first stall we saw mainly sold clothes but did an interesting line in weaponry, featuring cs spray, knuckle dusters, knives and ninja stars. Then classic quote:

Ross: "look brad, they sell guns!"
Brad: "where?"
Ross: "there, at the back, next to the samurai swords..."

And the cars parked around made the espace look basically showroom, even with our DIY paintwork!!

Anyway it's 5.15pm here so time for a pint in the hotel bar...

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